Friday, August 28, 2009

Dumb Blonde

Guess what Biotch!
I am really workin out hard!
Two days this week I worked out before work, on my lunch break, and at night!
Are you proud?
You should be!
I have been eating so good!
{Except at the GNO but I only had one chocolate bar!}
I am totally seeing a difference and people from work are starting to ask what I am doing!
On Wednesday night Kelly and I decided to go on one of our walks.
We both needed to go to the library so we decided that would be the perfect work out.
{This happened to be one of the days that I had gotten up at 6:30 and worked out with your ass for 45 minutes than walked on my lunch break for a half an hour!}
I had a lot to take back so I brought my purse with twelve books in it.
We left a little later then planned.
The library closed at 9 and we rounded the corner at the bottom of the hill at 8:45!
So we JOGGED our butts to the library!!!
We walked in with 8 minutes to to closing!
Devin needed a book so we bolted across the library with sweat runnin down into our eyes.
We walked out at 9:01!
Kelly then decided we should wait a minute to walk up the ginormous hill!
Guess what Debbie...
You cant go anywhere in our town with out walking up a ginormous hill!
We decided to walk around the first hill and lengthen our walk.
Guess what we had to pass...
The cookie factory!
Ever wonder where wal mart gets there cookies?
10 streets away from my house!
It smelled so delicious!!
We then had to walk up two huge hills! We walked in the door around 9:45 and we both drank about a gallon of water!
Lets just say that I fell asleep very fast that night!
Are you proud Debbie?
You better f ing be!
I will let you know how next weeks adventures go!
Love Sam Jo

1 comment:

alibrough said...

SAM! What is this (tortillas) you speak of. Ok. Am I buying dough or tortillas? What section are they in? And how do I fry them myself? Help! Teach me your chef ways!!

PS...I get the veggy salad too! No rice pinto beans extra guac!

PPS...Im posting this comment on your blog too just to make sure you get it.