The pallbearers at the funeral home.

Casey reading the obituary.

The fireman reading about the ringing of the bell.

They rang the bell three times for him.
The Air Force folded the flag from on top of the casket.

Giving the flag to my Uncle Mike.
{Grandpas oldest son}




Grandpa always had butterscotch candy's after he quit smoking!

Mikes Family

My Family

All the Grandchildren and great grandchildren giving Grandpas famous thumbs up!
{And some husband thrown in also!}

Just Cousins!
{The thumbs up is for you Gramps!}

Oldest and youngest Grandchildren

Casey and I
This looks a lot like my grandfather's funeral. I'm sorry about your loss!
I'm so sorry Sam Jo! You know whats funny?! We have the same skirt! :)
Its a hot skirt!
You guys gave him a great send off. You have a great family. Valerie
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