Monday, September 21, 2009

Just one of those days...

Today has been so crappy!
I want to tear out my uterus...
I want to punch my next door neighbor in the mouth...
I want to give driving lessons to people who hog the right hand lane when they could pull farther over when they are turning...
I burned the hell out of my hair and now it looks like I took a yellow highlighter to it...
Sad huh!
I am not usually a negative person and I hate being Mrs cranky pants.
So here is a list of things I love!
I am addicted to a new game on Facebook called Farkle...
My walking partner keeps me entertained for the whole two hours we walk...
All my old TV shows are coming back soon...
Spicy foods...
finding friends blogs...
Halloween is coming up...
My main man with the master plan...
My familia...
My friends...
Hoody season is right around the corner...
I get to see Moses on Wednesday...
OK, Now I feel better!
Love you all!

1 comment:

Cal said...

I hope things get better, sounds like your list of things that you love are a good pick me up. I love it when people vent there frustrations out, because it makes me feel like I am not alone in my bad days!
plus you make it funny