Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 9 January 3rd

Today I made Diego find the Uruguayan Temple. I know that I am not a church going woman but it felt like being close to home. It was quite an adventure trying to find the temple. Diego had looked up online what streets we needed to find to get there. While driving in Motevideo you do not have a lot of time to look for street names because you are going so fast and a lot of the street signs are bent so you have to look back and read the other side. Well we find the first one all right; it’s a really big street. Then we start driving and I see the sign for the next one but we can’t figure out which one of the streets its actually pointing too. Pain in the butt! We finally get on the right street and Diego forgets the street name that connects with the one the temple is on! We drive around this part of town and I am falling in love with the area. {Diego then points out that it’s the ritzy part of Montevideo!} Diego wants to give up and go home but tell him he needs to be more adventurous so we keep going. We are just driving down random roads and I find the road we are looking for! We find the temple and walk around it for awhile. It is so pretty! In Utah all the Temples are huge. This one is just a little thing but very beautiful!

We headed back home and Martins parents had come over to wish Natalia an early Happy Birthday because we were going out of town for her Birthday. They wished us a good time in Punta Del Este!

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